



Hi, Is it correct to say that using JTA Transactions with Hibernate contrasts using the Open-Session-In-View with regards to the session scope?
From what I've been able to gather the Session scope in the JTA Transactions is a transaction (mainly based on this link) while in the Open-Session-In-View pattern the session's scope is the requrest and you can have multiple transactions in it.

I'm asking, first to understand, and secondly to verify "Who" is responsible for the session handling when using JTA.
Currently, when using the Open-Session-In-View, I have a HibernateUtil class which handles opening, retrieving and closing of sessions (via ThreadLocal<Session>).
When I'll switch over to using JTA will Hibernate handle the above session actions? (as a derivative maybe of my calling userTransaction.begin,userTransaction.rollback)

BTW, I'm asking about JTA as I need to coordinate a transaction across Hibernate JMS and EHCache so this isn't a general best-practices "lets-use-JTA" question.
