I'm using this code (taken from here) in ApplicationController to detect iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad requests:
before_filter :detect_mobile_request, :detect_tablet_request
def detect_mobile_request
request.format = :mobile if mobile_request?
def mobile_request?
#request.subdomains.first == 'm'
request.user_agent =~ /iPhone/ || request.user_agent =~ /iPod/
def detect_tablet_request
request.format = :tablet if tablet_request?
def tablet_request?
#request.subdomains.first == 't'
request.user_agent =~ /iPad/
This allows me to have templates like show.html.erb, show.mobile.erb, and show.tablet.erb, which is great, but there's a problem: It seems I must define every template for each mime type. For example, requesting the "show" action from an iPhone without defining show.mobile.erb will throw an error even if show.html.erb is defined. If a mobile or tablet template is missing, I'd like to simply fall back on the html one. It doesn't seem too far fetched since "mobile" is defined as an alias to "text/html" in mime_types.rb.
So, a few questions:
- Am I doing this wrong? Or, is there a better way to do this?
- If not, can I get the mobile and tablet mime types to fall back on html if a mobile or tablet file is not present?
If it matters, I'm using Rails 3.0.1. Thanks in advance for any pointers.