




I'm deploying drupal from localhost to a live server. But I can't access the pages:

i have http://localhost/site/admin, so i should have http://liverserver.com/site/admin, but it says the link does not exist.

I copied all the files to the live server.

Then, I made a copy of the database correctly, and changed the settings.php to the new mysql server.

The site shows up, but all my pages (clean urls) are not accessible, can't figure why.

+6  A: 

Are you sure you copied the .htaccess file? That's easy to miss, as many systems hide files with names that start with "." and it sounds like you don't have it.

FYI, until clean URLs are working, you can access admin pages by prefixing the path with "?q=", e.g. http://liverserver.com/?q=site/admin

Scott Reynen

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