I'm using an admob-adView in my app. But I have a problem. Everytime I change text/backgrond/or whatever of another (text/button/..)view in my layout while admobview is running, it blinks/refresh...
I'm using also a countdowntimer which sets new Text to a TextView every second(onTick()). So the adview is blinking every second too.
AdManager.setTestDevices( new String[] { AdManager.TEST_EMULATOR, } ); AdView adView = new AdView(this); adView.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#A4C639")); adView.requestFreshAd(); llm_ad.addView(adView);
Has anybody else this problem too, or know how to solve this?
Thanks a lot for reading!
EDIT: I found out, it only happens, if I call the method TextView.setText() ?
EDIT2: If I use .setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL) on my LinearLayout it works normal. If I choose the HORIZONTAL, it doesn't... damn is this a bug?