


  1. What is the fastest (or most "Pythonic") way to convert

    x = [False, False, True, True]

    into 12? (If there is such a way.)

  2. What if x were instead a numpy.array of bools? Is there a special command for that?

I have a large m-by-n array of booleans, where each n-element row represents a single low-dimensional hash of a high-dimensional feature vector. (In the example above, n = 4.) I would like to know the answer in order to compress my data as much as possible. Thank you.

Edit: Thank you for the responses! Using the following test code,

t = 0
for iter in range(500):
    B = scipy.signbit(scipy.randn(1000,20))
    for b in B:
        t0 = time.clock()
        # test code here
        t1 = time.clock()
        t += (t1-t0)
print t were the runtimes on my Thinkpad laptop:

Of course, I welcome any independent tests that may confirm or refute my data!

Edit: In my answer below, changing int(j) to simply j still works, but runs six times as slow! Then perhaps the other answers would become faster if the bool was casted using int. But I'm too lazy to test everything again.

Edit: liori posted results of independent tests here.

+1  A: 

Something like this?

>>> x = [False, False, True, True]
>>> sum([int(y[1])*2**y[0] for y in enumerate(x)])

You can convert a numpy array to a regular list using a list() cast.

>>> a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4])
>>> a
array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> list(a)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
Emil H
`0**0` is 1, so you get an off-by-one error if the first element is False.
+4  A: 

Most Pythonic might be this:

sum(2**i*b for i, b in enumerate(x))

It's hard to tell if it is also the fastest.

In numpy I would use


but this won't be faster for small arrays x, and it won't work for big arrays x since machine size integers are used instead of Pythons arbitrary presicsion ints.

Sven Marnach
+2  A: 

An elegant, pythonic, always-working way is this:

def powers(x):
    """yield powers of x, starting from x**0 forever"""
    power = 1
    while True:
        yield power
        power *= x

def bools_to_int(bools):
    # in Python 2, use itertools.izip!
    return sum(int(place) * place_weight for place_weight, place in 
               zip(powers(2), bools))

Note that you can get rid of powers (by enumerate and squaring in the comprehension, as other answers do) - but maybe it's clearer this way.

+3  A: 
reduce(lambda a,b:2*a+b, reversed(x))

You could get rid of reversed() if you had least significant bit at the end of array. This works with numpy.array too, and doesn't need enumerate(). From my tests seem to be faster too: no need to use exponentiation.
