



irst clarify that goes wrong on my server connection with FaceBook I can usually write things on the application.

To start I decided to make one of phrases, sentences are like 6 random test and works well. I think the problem is that the function to publish on the wall and does not work, if I look at the Firefox Error Console fails.

The code is:

      function publish(){
        var mensaje = "<?php echo $frases[$frase]; ?>";
        var user_message_prompt = "Would you say something?";
        var user_message = "What a great phrase!";
        var attachment = {'media':
                           'name': mensaje +'<br />',
                           'description':'Discover your quote of the day'};


Finally I say to launch automatically function to do without buttons and see if it works. Sometimes does not always fail and 95% of the other times does not work.

I would appreciate me pointed out the error in the code and not give me a link to the API or any website that may not understand.