



I have a list of booleans where occasionally I reset them all to false. After first writing the reset as:

for b in bool_list:
    b = False

I found it doesn't work. I spent a moment scratching my head, then remembered that of course it won't work since I'm only changing a reference to the bool, not its value. So I rewrote as:

for i in xrange(len(bool_list)):
    bool_list[i] = False

and everything works fine. But I found myself asking, "Is that really the most pythonic way to alter all elements of a list?" Are there other ways that manage to be either more efficient or clearer?

+12  A: 

If you only have one reference to the list, the following may be easier:

bool_list = [False] * len(bool_list)

This creates a new list populated with False elements.

See my answer to Python dictionary clear for a similar example.

Greg Hewgill
Voted down because he's indicated that he needs it to act in an existing list.
Voted up because "existing list" can easily be replaced with new list via assignment statement.
Also if you want to change the existing list you can change it to bool_list[:] = [False] * len(bool_list)
If this is a very large list, this code might be bad since you're essentially making two copies of the list. But it should work in about 95% of all situations.
Jason Baker
+3  A: 

I wouldn't use the range and len. It's a lot cleaner to use enumerate()

for i, v in enumerate(bool_list): #i, v = index and value
    bool_list[i] = False

It's left with an unused variable in this case, but it still looks cleaner in my opinion. There's no noticeable change in performance either.

Sir Oddfellow
Enumerate seems to be overkill in this case. You don't even need the v variable, a clear indicator of overcomplication. A simple list comprehension gets the job done.
For the sake of looking better, I'd still vote for it. There's no noticeable difference in speed. A dummy variable is worth it. I guess it comes down to personal taste
Sir Oddfellow
inefficient in all the separate setitem's it requires.

For value types such as int, bool and string, your 2nd example is about as pretty as its going to get. Your first example will work on any reference types like classes, dicts, or other lists.

The first example will only "work" if you're not trying to change the item contained within the list. If you're doing for x in a: then that's certainly okay. However, if a is a list of dicts then for x in a: x = {} does not do what is intended, for the same reason as the original question.
Greg Hewgill
+4  A: 

If you're willing to use numpy arrays, it's actually really easy to do things like this using array slices.

import numpy

bool_list = numpy.zeros((100,), dtype=numpy.bool)

# do something interesting with bool_list as if it were a normal list

bool_list[:] = False
# all elements have been reset to False now
Mr Fooz
+11  A: 

Here's another version:

bool_list = [False for item in bool_list]
Federico Ramponi

I think

bool_list = [False for element in bool_list]

is as pythonic as it gets. Using lists like this should generaly be faster then a for loop in python too.

Why repeat a previous answer? Why not upvote the other answer? I'm not sure what's distinct about this answer. Perhaps I'm missing something. Could you revise or expand your answer to emphasize the unique information?
+6  A: 
bool_list[:] = [False] * len(bool_list)


bool_list[:] = [False for item in bool_list]
Chosen because this style's effect is clear, doesn't suffer from the limitation that there be only one reference to the list, and the performance for the top one is superb.
Dan Homerick
+8  A: 

Summary Performance-wise, numpy or a list multiplication are clear winners, as they are 10-20x faster than other approaches.

I did some performance testing on the various options proposed. I used Python 2.5.2, on Linux (Ubuntu 8.10), with a 1.5 Ghz Pentium M.


python -s 'bool_list = [True] * 1000' 'for x in xrange(len(bool_list)): bool_list[x] = False'

1000 loops, best of 3: 280 usec per loop

Slice-based replacement with a list comprehension:

python -s 'bool_list = [True] * 1000' 'bool_list[:] = [False for element in bool_list]'

1000 loops, best of 3: 215 usec per loop

Slice-based replacement with a generator comprehension:

python -s 'bool_list = [True] * 1000' 'bool_list[:] = (False for element in bool_list)'

1000 loops, best of 3: 265 usec per loop


python -s 'bool_list = [True] * 1000' 'for i, v in enumerate(bool_list): bool_list[i] = False'

1000 loops, best of 3: 385 usec per loop


python -s 'import numpy' -s 'bool_list = numpy.zeros((1000,), dtype=numpy.bool)' 'bool_list[:] = False'

10000 loops, best of 3: 15.9 usec per loop

Slice-based replacement with list multiplication:

python -s 'bool_list = [True] * 1000' 'bool_list[:] = [False] * len(bool_list)'

10000 loops, best of 3: 23.3 usec per loop

Reference replacement with list multiplication

 python -s 'bool_list = [True] * 1000' 'bool_list = [False] * len(bool_list)'

10000 loops, best of 3: 11.3 usec per loop

Dan Homerick
I'm glad I timed them. Up until now, I had thought that list multiplications were neat, but probably slow.
Dan Homerick
That's a good summary! You should mark this as the answer. I had no idea numpy was THAT much faster. Dang
Sir Oddfellow