



When attempting to use Joshua Bloch's "Builder Pattern" [Item 2 in Effective Java Second Edition] with reflection [object = constructors[index].newInstance(constructorParameterValues);] the following exception occurs:

java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class info.soaj.core.util.SjUtilReflection can not access a member of class info.soaj.core.attribute.SjAttributesForThrowable with modifiers "private"

Note: This has been resolved. The accessible (private) constructor was being discarded and a non-accessible (override = false) was being attempted. Bottom Line: Programmer Error

An example Builder Class follows:

package info.soaj.core.attribute;

import info.soaj.core.attribute.internal.SjAttributesForStronglyTypedWrappers;
import info.soaj.core.internal.string.SjPopulatedClassName;
import info.soaj.core.internal.string.SjPopulatedMethodName;
import info.soaj.core.util.internal.SjUtilThrowable;


 * <p>
 * The "Builder" pattern as documented by Joshua Bloch ("Effective Java" -
 * Second Edition) is utilized to handle the variable number of required and
 * optional parameters.
 * </p>
 * <p style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:10px; font-style:italic"> Copyright
 * (c) 2006 - 2008 by Global Technology Consulting Group, Inc. at <a
 * href=""&gt; </a>. </p>
 * @author [email protected]
 * @since v. 1.0

public class SjAttributesExample implements Serializable {

    /** UID */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    /** The name of class throwing the exception. */
    protected final SjPopulatedClassName classname;

    /** The name of method throwing the exception. */
    protected final SjPopulatedMethodName methodname;

     * Suppresses logging; default is <code>false</code>.
    protected final boolean suppressLoggingOnly;

     * Constructor - private
     * @param builderThrowable
    private SjAttributesExample(final BuilderThrowable builderThrowable) {
     this.classname = builderThrowable.classname;
     this.methodname = builderThrowable.methodname;
     this.suppressLoggingOnly = builderThrowable.suppressLoggingOnly;

     * This static member immutable class is used to implement the builder
     * pattern.
     * @author [email protected]
     * @since v. 1.0
    public static class BuilderThrowable {

     /** Class name. */
     private static final String CLASS_NAME = BuilderThrowable.class

     // Required attributes.

     /** The name of class throwing the exception. */
     protected final SjPopulatedClassName classname;

     /** The name of method throwing the exception. */
     protected final SjPopulatedMethodName methodname;

     // Optional attributes.

     /** Prevents action from occurring. Default is false. */
     protected boolean suppressLoggingOnly = false;

      * Constructor
      * @param classname
      * @param methodname
     public BuilderThrowable(final String classname, final String methodname) {


      final String Method_Name = "BuilderThrowable";

      // What happens when handling an exception throws an exception?
      try {

       this.classname = new SjPopulatedClassName(classname,
         new SjAttributesForStronglyTypedWrappers(CLASS_NAME,

       this.methodname = new SjPopulatedMethodName(methodname,
         new SjAttributesForStronglyTypedWrappers(CLASS_NAME,

      } catch (final RuntimeException e) {

       // Log the contextual details.
         CLASS_NAME, Method_Name, e);

       throw e;


      * This method sets a flag to suppress logging.
      * @param isLoggingSuppressed
      * @return BuilderThrowable
     public BuilderThrowable suppressLoggingOnly(
       final boolean isLoggingSuppressed) {

      this.suppressLoggingOnly = isLoggingSuppressed;

      return this;

      * This method is used for instantiating this class.
      * @return SjAttributesForThrowable
     public SjAttributesExample build() {

      return new SjAttributesExample(this);

     * This method returns an attribute.
     * @return String - Returns the <code>classname</code> attribute.
    public String getClassname() {
     return this.classname.getString();

     * This method returns an attribute.
     * @return String - Returns the <code>methodname</code> attribute.
    public String getMethodname() {
     return this.methodname.getString();

     * This method returns an attribute.
     * @return boolean - Returns the <code>suppressLoggingOnly</code> attribute.
    public boolean isLoggingSuppressed() {
     return this.suppressLoggingOnly;

Note: This has been resolved. The accessible (private) constructor was being discarded and a non-accessible (override = false) was being attempted. Bottom Line: Programmer Error