If you're able to interop with C++, you could consider storing all the values in an array and loop over them using SSE like this:
void sigmoid_sse(float *a_Values, float *a_Output, size_t a_Size){
__m128* l_Output = (__m128*)a_Output;
__m128* l_Start = (__m128*)a_Values;
__m128* l_End = (__m128*)(a_Values + a_Size);
const __m128 l_One = _mm_set_ps1(1.f);
const __m128 l_Half = _mm_set_ps1(1.f / 2.f);
const __m128 l_OneOver6 = _mm_set_ps1(1.f / 6.f);
const __m128 l_OneOver24 = _mm_set_ps1(1.f / 24.f);
const __m128 l_OneOver120 = _mm_set_ps1(1.f / 120.f);
const __m128 l_OneOver720 = _mm_set_ps1(1.f / 720.f);
const __m128 l_MinOne = _mm_set_ps1(-1.f);
for(__m128 *i = l_Start; i < l_End; i++){
// 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.Pow(Math.E, -value))
// 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(-value))
// value = *i so we need -value
__m128 value = _mm_mul_ps(l_MinOne, *i);
// exp expressed as inifite series 1 + x + (x ^ 2 / 2!) + (x ^ 3 / 3!) ...
__m128 x = value;
// result in l_Exp
__m128 l_Exp = l_One; // = 1
l_Exp = _mm_add_ps(l_Exp, x); // += x
x = _mm_mul_ps(x, x); // = x ^ 2
l_Exp = _mm_add_ps(l_Exp, _mm_mul_ps(l_Half, x)); // += (x ^ 2 * (1 / 2))
x = _mm_mul_ps(value, x); // = x ^ 3
l_Exp = _mm_add_ps(l_Exp, _mm_mul_ps(l_OneOver6, x)); // += (x ^ 3 * (1 / 6))
x = _mm_mul_ps(value, x); // = x ^ 4
l_Exp = _mm_add_ps(l_Exp, _mm_mul_ps(l_OneOver24, x)); // += (x ^ 4 * (1 / 24))
x = _mm_mul_ps(value, x); // = x ^ 5
l_Exp = _mm_add_ps(l_Exp, _mm_mul_ps(l_OneOver120, x)); // += (x ^ 5 * (1 / 120))
x = _mm_mul_ps(value, x); // = x ^ 6
l_Exp = _mm_add_ps(l_Exp, _mm_mul_ps(l_OneOver720, x)); // += (x ^ 6 * (1 / 720))
// we've calculated exp of -i
// now we only need to do the '1.0 / (1.0 + ...' part
*l_Output++ = _mm_rcp_ps(_mm_add_ps(l_One, l_Exp));
However, remember that the arrays you'll be using should be allocated using _aligned_malloc(some_size * sizeof(float), 16) because SSE requires memory aligned to a boundary.
Using SSE, I can calculate the result for all 100 million elements in around half a second. However, allocating that much memory at a time will cost you nearly two-third of a gigabyte so I'd suggest processing more but smaller arrays at a time. You might even want to consider using a double buffering approach with 100K elements or more.
Also, if the number of elements starts to grow considerably you might want to choose to process these things on the GPU (just create a 1D float4 texture and run a very trivial fragment shader).