I would suggest writing your own. An authentication library really isn't that hard to write. I wrote mine when I was learning PHP, and i'm still using it with little modification for every project. I can post the code here if it will help.
On the other hand, I do recommend CodeIgniter for a number of other libraries, including a database-based session Session Library.
Edit: Here is my Authentication class which has been serving me well. Keep in mind it was written while I was still learning PHP.
Logging in a user / verifying login:
$Auth=new Auth();
if (! $Auth->checkLogin($user,$pass))
//Show login page here
//3rd paramater will set a cookie to 'remember' the user
Restricting a page to be accessible only by those with a certain permission level:
//Restrict this page to only users with permission level 2 or above.
//Redirects to login page if not logged in, homepage if logged in but
//without sufficient permissions.
Logging out a user:
$Auth->logout(); //Kills session+cookie data and redirects to homepage
Disclaimer: This still has some CodeIgniter specific stuff which i didn't remove. In particular it uses my custom database class, and codeigniter's Session library for sessions.
* Auth class. Used for all login/logout stuff.
class Auth
var $table, $userNameField, $passField, $miscField,$lastLoggedInField;
var $loggedIn;
var $homePageUrl, $loginPageUrl, $membersAreaUrl;
var $obj;
function Auth()
//The fields below should be columns in the table above, which are used to
//authenticate the user's credentials.
//The numeric column which stores the permissions/level of each user:
//The following are general columns in the database which are
//stored in the Session, for easily displaying some information
//about the user:
/* If there is a no lastLoggedIn field in the table which is updated
to the current DATETIME whenever the user logs in, set the next
variable to blank to disable this feature. */
//This is a CodeIgniter specific variable used to refer to the base
//CodeIgniter Object:
//This is my custom database library:
//All data passed on from a form to this class must be
// already escaped to prevent SQL injection.
//However, all data stored in sessions is escaped by the class.
if ($this->isLoggedIn())
function checkLogin($user, $pass)
$sql="SELECT $this->miscFields FROM $this->table
WHERE $this->userNameField='$user' AND $this->passField='$pass'";
return ($query->num_rows() ===1);
function isSessLoggedIn()
if ($this->loggedIn==='yes')
return true;
if ($this->checkLogin(escapeStr($user),escapeStr($pass),0))
return true;
return false;
function isCookieLoggedIn()
if (! array_key_exists('user',$_COOKIE) || ! array_key_exists('pass',$_COOKIE))
return false;
if ($this->checkLogin($user,$pass))
if ($loggedIn && ! $this->isSessLoggedIn())
$sql="SELECT $this->passField FROM $this->table
WHERE $this->userNameField='$user' LIMIT 1";
return $loggedIn;
function isLoggedIn()
return ($this->isSessLoggedIn() || $this->isCookieLoggedIn());
function login($user, $pass,$remember=FALSE)
if ($this->isSessLoggedIn())
return false;
if (! $this->checkLogin($user,$pass))
return false;
$sql="SELECT $this->miscFields FROM $this->table
WHERE $this->userNameField='$user' && $this->passField='$pass'";
foreach ($fields as $k=>$v)
if ($this->lastLoggedInField !='')
$sql="UPDATE $this->table SET
$this->lastLoggedInField=NOW(),num_logins=num_logins + 1
WHERE $this->userNameField='$user' && $this->passField='$pass'";
if ($remember)
return true;
function logout($redir=true)
if (! $this->isLoggedIn())
return false;
if ($this->isCookieLoggedIn())
setcookie('user','', time()-36000, '/');
setcookie('pass','', time()-36000, '/');
if (! $redir)
header('location: '.$this->homePageUrl);
function restrict($minLevel)
if (! is_numeric($minLevel) && $minLevel!='ADMIN')
return false;
//URL of the page the user was trying to access, so upon logging in
// he is redirected back to this url.
if (! $this->isLoggedIn())
header('location: '.$this->loginPageUrl);
if ($this->obj->session->userdata($this->lvlField) < $minLevel)
header('location: '.$this->membersAreaUrl);
return true;
function setCookies()
if (! $this->isSessLoggedIn())
return false;
@setcookie('user',$user, time()+60*60*24*30, '/');
@setcookie('pass',$pass, time()+60*60*24*30, '/');
return true;
//This function refreshes all the info in the Session, so if a user changed
//his name, for example, his name in the Session is updated
function refreshInfo()
if (! $this->isLoggedIn())
return false;
$sql="SELECT $this->passField,$this->userNameField,
$this->miscFields FROM $this->table WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1";
foreach ($fields as $k=>$v)
//The following variables are used to determine wether or not to
//set the cookies on the users computer. If $origUser matches the
//cookie value 'user' it means the user had cookies stored on his
//browser, so the cookies would be re-written with the new value of the
foreach ($info as $k=>$v)
if (array_key_exists('user',$_COOKIE) && array_key_exists('pass',$_COOKIE))
if ($_COOKIE['user']==$origUser && $_COOKIE['pass']==$origPass)
return true;
function isAdmin()
if (! $this->isLoggedIn())
return false;
return ($lvl >= 2);
function isVerified()
return ($this->obj->session->userdata('verified')=='1');
* Used for quickly doing mysql_real_escape() and trim() on a string.
function escapeStr($str)
return trim(mysql_real_escape_string($str));