



Looking for a good quality .NET Control library that provides shell capabilities such as folder trees, item lists, right click, file context menu, and OLE drag/drop.

Update: (I am asking this for someone else) Specifically want to provide the list of "files" which may be from numerous locations (the results of a search). And then have the explorer like behavior with that.

+1  A: 

ShellMegaPack from LogicNPSoftware I've used them before and they give you everything you need to implement Windows Explorer capabilities. Very customizable as well.

Played with that control set previously. While it works perfectly for recreating windows explorer, it doesn't allow for extending that functionality as desired. Thanks though.
Jim McKeeth
+1  A: 

Have you seen Gong Solutions Shell Library ?

It's open source (GPL), so you should be able to extend it however you see fit.
