



I've got two WPF Toolkit DataGrids, I'd like so that when the user resizes the first column in the first grid, it resizes the first column in the second grid. I've tried binding the width of the DataGridColumn in the second grid to the appropriate column in the first grid, but it doesn't work. I'd prefer to use all xaml, but I'm find with using code behind as well.

<tk:DataGrid Width="100" Height="100">
        <tk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Column1" Width="50"/>
<tk:DataGrid Width="100" Height="100">
        <tk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Column1Copy" Width="{Binding Path=ActualWidth, ElementName=Column1}"/>

I also tried binding to Width instead of ActualWidth, but neither works.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

+1  A: 

Hi viggity I tried this:

<tk:DataGrid Width="100" Height="100" x:Name="Grid1" Grid.Column="0">
      <tk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Column1" Width="50"/>
<tk:DataGrid Width="100" Height="100" x:Name="Grid2" Grid.Column="1">
     <tk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Column1Copy" Width="{Binding Mode=TwoWay, Path=Columns[0].ActualWidth, ElementName=Grid1}"/>

However, It looks like since DataGridColumns do not derive from FrameworkElement but instead derive from DependencyObject, binding in this manner is not available.

Ray Booysen
+3  A: 

Well, I don't think that it is possible using straight XAML, but I still feel like it should because DataGridColumn does derive from DependencyObject. I did find a way to do it programatically though. I'm not thrilled about it, but it works:

DataGridColumn.WidthProperty.AddValueChanged(upperCol, delegate
    if (changing) return;
    changing = true;
    mainCol.Width = upperCol.Width;
    changing = false;
DataGridColumn.WidthProperty.AddValueChanged(mainCol, delegate 
    if (changing) return;
    changing = true;
    upperCol.Width = mainCol.Width; 
    changing = false; 

public static void AddValueChanged(this DependencyProperty property, object sourceObject, EventHandler handler)
    DependencyPropertyDescriptor dpd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(property, property.OwnerType);
    dpd.AddValueChanged(sourceObject, handler);