
WPF DataGrid Sync Column Widths

I've got two WPF Toolkit DataGrids, I'd like so that when the user resizes the first column in the first grid, it resizes the first column in the second grid. I've tried binding the width of the DataGridColumn in the second grid to the appropriate column in the first grid, but it doesn't work. I'd prefer to use all xaml, but I'm find wit...

"freeze" one column in flex datagrid

I'm using a datagrid to display a column of date ranges and several columns of data. I'd like to make the first column (the date ranges) fixed; i.e. that column stays in place when the user scrolls the other columns. That way, the dates column will always be visible as the user scrolls through many data columns. I don't see a datagrid...

WPF DataGrid ComboBox Column: Propagating Header Combobox throughout column...

Hey there! Here's my question: I've got a Datagrid in WPF and I have a first column that is a DataGridComboBoxColumn. What I'd like to do is to have a header for that column also with a combobox: altering the header with propagate throughout the column. I can get this done visually, but when I submit the data, the list that is bound w...

Flex DataGridColumn display multiline string data

Is it possible to display a multiline string in a Flex DataGridColumn? i.e. Display: Text line one. Text line two. I've tried putting "\n","\r","
" when storing the string but nothing seems to work. Currently only "Text line one." is displayed and the rest is hidden in the cell. I would prefer not to use "wordWrap=true" ...

Silverlight DataGridColumn AttachedProperties

I am attempting to create an AttachedProperty for a DataGridColumn within Silverlight 3.0 and I am having some issues. Here is the AttachedProperty: public class DataGridColumnHelper { public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Header", typeof(string), typeof(DataGridColu...

Silverlight 3.0: How to bind DataGridColumn to an ICommand wherein the DataGrid is bound to an ItemsSource...

I have a SL3 DataGrid bound to a collection. One column of the datagrid is a HyperlinkButton column and I want to bind the click event of the column to an ICommand present in the VM. pseudo code: DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding someCollection}" DataGridHyperLinkColumn Commands.Command="{Binding myClickCommand}" Now in this scenari...

Unable to set DataGridColumn's ToolTip

I tried the following: <tk:DataGridTextColumn Header="Item" Binding="{Binding Item.Title}" ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding Item.Description}" /> And I don't see any tool tip. Any ideas? Is it even implemented? ...

Flex: How is data passed from DataGridColumn.itemToLabel to DataGrid.itemRenderer.set(data) ?

Hi, I have a DataGrid whose dataProvider is an Array of int Arrays (each with different lengths). Since each row has variable size (and I want to display all the data), I decided to extend DataGridColumn and overwrite the itemToLabel function to be able to display the data. The problem is that I also need to display the data differently ...

Selecting and Setting Style to DataGridColumn after passing the DataProvider

I have a Datagrid thats being populated by different Arrays... (headers/columns change for the same DataGrid)... I would like to Select a Column of the Datagrid after it was generated by the Dataprovider and Bold it, and place it as the 'last column" This is what I have.... and throwing an error: private function populateGrid(evt:Obje...

How to retrieve TextBlock from DataGridColumnHeader HeaderStyle in Silverlight

As in Silverlight I can't bind directly to a DataGridColumn's property, in order to dynamically change the text of the column header, I have to write the following code using HeaderStyle. <data:DataGridTextColumn.HeaderStyle> <Style TargetType="dataprimitives:DataGridColumnHead...

Flex DataGridColumn with array of objects as data provider

I have a datagrid that uses an array of objects as the data provider. The objects are essentially key/value pairs: { foo:"something"} { bar:"hello"} { caca:"lorem"} The datagrid has 2 columns. The first column is the key and the second column is the value. Right now my grid looks like: ...

Automatically resize width of DataGridCoulmn/AdvancedDataGridColumn to fit content

Hi, I want that the DataGridColumn or AdvancedDataGridColumn would automatically resize it's width so as to fit the content within.. I'm new to flex. I want to implement something like HTML tables. The Data Rendered is simple Text. Some Rows have little longer Text, in that case I would like to automatically extend the width of DataGr...

flex4: how can i add a GlowFilter to a mx:DataGridColumn ?

Hiya. I'm building an application using flex 4. Using <mx:DataGrid> to display a table. I would like to add a <s:GlowFilter> to a DataGridColumn. how can I do so? thanks! ...

WPF - DataGrid Column with Width="*", but MinWidth to Fit Contents

Hi, What would be the best/right way to have a set of DataGrid columns have proportional width (Width="*"), but to have their MINIMUM width be at least the width of their content? At the moment, if I use Width="*", then the columns stay exactly proportional, but content gets cropped if the columns get too thin. If I use Width="Auto", th...

Flex Datagrid Column not displaying the value

Hi All We have a Datagrid: <nross:ScalableDataGrid id="grid" dataProvider="{model.practiceJoinRequestThickList.practiceJoinRequestThicks}"> <nross:columns> <ui:DataGridToolTipColumn headerText="ID" dataField="practiceJoinRequest.userId"/> <ui:DataGridToolTipColumn headerText="Name" dataField="u...

Problems with ActualWidth not being recalculated...

How come ActualWidth of a DataGridColumn is not affected by changing the value of its Width property but it is when I change the value of its MinWidth ? In other words how does ActualWidth get computed or changed ? ...

How do i make some of my datagridcolumns non editable or readonly if my flex datagrid is editable

How do i make some of my datagridcolumns non editable or readonly if my flex datagrid is editable? ...

How to get DataGridColumnHeader from DataGridColumn ?

My code is as follows :::: void mainDataContextObj_CutSelectedColumnEvent(string columnId) { IList<DataGridColumn> columns = dg.Columns; for(int i=2; i<dg.Columns.Count; i++) { DataGridColumnHeader headerObj = dg.Columns[i].Header as DataGridColumnHeader; //This always returns hea...

silverlight column header disappers on applying header style template

I have a Silverlight DataGrid with two columns. The headers of these two columns header have to be shown with a text box and column header title or name so that the text box can be used for filtering later. So, I have used the following code to display the text box using a style: <Style x:Name="mytemplate" x:Key="mytemplate" ...

Binding current columns header as text for a text block inside datatemplate

i am working with a silverlightdatgrid and i have a style for each column header as below <Style x:Name="mytemplate" x:Key="mytemplate" xmlns:dataprimitives="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Data" TargetType="dataprimitives:DataGridColumnHeader"> <...