



My code is as follows ::::

 void mainDataContextObj_CutSelectedColumnEvent(string columnId)
        IList<DataGridColumn> columns = dg.Columns;

        for(int i=2; i<dg.Columns.Count; i++)
            DataGridColumnHeader headerObj = dg.Columns[i].Header as DataGridColumnHeader;

             //This always returns headerObj as null!!!


I need DataGridColumnHeader from column. Where am I going wrong?? Please help!!

+1  A: 

The Header object of the DataGridColumn is actually the visible header of that column, whatever you set it to be. DataGridColumn is not part of the Visual Tree so there is not direct way to access the DataGridColumnHeader for it (we can't even be sure it exists yet). But you can do something like this to try and access it

DataGridColumnHeader headerObj = GetColumnHeaderFromColumn(column);

private DataGridColumnHeader GetColumnHeaderFromColumn(DataGridColumn column)
    // dataGrid is the name of your DataGrid. In this case Name="dataGrid"
    List<DataGridColumnHeader> columnHeaders = GetVisualChildCollection<DataGridColumnHeader>(dataGrid);
    foreach (DataGridColumnHeader columnHeader in columnHeaders)
        if (columnHeader.Column == column)
            return columnHeader;
    return null;

public List<T> GetVisualChildCollection<T>(object parent) where T : Visual
    List<T> visualCollection = new List<T>();
    GetVisualChildCollection(parent as DependencyObject, visualCollection);
    return visualCollection;

private oid GetVisualChildCollection<T>(DependencyObject parent, List<T> visualCollection) where T : Visual
    int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
        if (child is T)
            visualCollection.Add(child as T);
        else if (child != null)
            GetVisualChildCollection(child, visualCollection);
@Meleak -- Great it works superb!! Thank you !!
Guru Charan