Is there a CRUD generator utility in Java like Scaffolding in Rails? Can be in any framework or even plain servlets. Must generate controllers + views in jsp, not just DAO code...
11Netbeans has something like this.
There's a demo here:
I've got this a long time ago.
Google translation to english:>
May be outdated though.
JBoss Seam has a scripting utility called seam-gen that will create scaffolding:
There's krank on Google Code. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks promising.
Since the question was asked, there are several frameworks for Java that came out. Check out Spring Roo, and Play Framework. There is also Skyway Builder, which I think predates both.
Spring Roo seems to be exactly what you're looking for: CRUD code generation, spits out pure Java code that can be made tun run entirely independant from the framework.