I get this fatal error only when I run on a Macintosh, but not on a windows browser, which doesn't make sense since, other than checking for the Browser condition, the conditional loops run the same code:
Can someone help me understand how to stop this error in php? The error occurs on the FIRST instance of QEnterKeyEvent...and NOT the second. This doesn't make sense.
In the code, the first instance is the first time it is ever called, so the class has not yet been created as far as I can tell.
Yet the error says: cannot redeclare class QEnterKeyEvent
// Key-Specific Events (EnterKey, EscapeKey, UpArrowKey, DownArrowKey, etc.)
if (QApplication::IsBrowser(QBrowserType::Macintosh)) {
echo "keyspecific events - macintosh";
class QEnterKeyEvent extends QKeyPressEvent {
protected $strCondition = 'event.keyCode == 13';
class QEscapeKeyEvent extends QKeyPressEvent {
protected $strCondition = 'event.keyCode == 27';
class QUpArrowKeyEvent extends QKeyPressEvent {
protected $strCondition = 'event.keyCode == 38';
class QDownArrowKeyEvent extends QKeyPressEvent {
protected $strCondition = 'event.keyCode == 40';
} else {
echo "key specific events - windows";
class QEnterKeyEvent extends QKeyDownEvent {
protected $strCondition = 'event.keyCode == 13';
class QEscapeKeyEvent extends QKeyDownEvent {
protected $strCondition = 'event.keyCode == 27';
class QUpArrowKeyEvent extends QKeyDownEvent {
protected $strCondition = 'event.keyCode == 38';
class QDownArrowKeyEvent extends QKeyDownEvent {
protected $strCondition = 'event.keyCode == 40';