I'm currently employed at a finance firm as an in-house developer for a web system. Currently we have no bug tracking software apart from e-mails sent around and phone calls made to recognise that a bug does exist somewhere.
I'd like to recommend to the other programmers a bug tracking system we can run alongside our subversion repository. We use TortoiseSVN as our SVN client and Visual Studio as our development environment.
I've got no clue about bug tracking systems as quite honestly I've never used one (shame on me!). I've seen a few around but their installations look complex and seem to point towards using Linux distributions. We totally run Windows here and nothing else, but we'd like to integrate the bug tracking with TortoiseSVN.
Are there any recommendations out there? Is it easy to do?
EDIT: The web system is extremely important and allows people to do their jobs, and deals with lots of figures, so bug tracking is vital IMHO.