I'm looking to put together the simplest online software purchasing system that could possibly work.
My plan is to allow website visitors to download the software freely from my site. The software will contain a 30 day expiry trial period, this can be removed by entering a product key.
(I know this will not stop determined hackers, I'm just looking to ensure generally honest people, will buy the software)
If the user decides they like it enough to buy, they can then simply transfer the purchase amount to a bank account, using standard internet banking.
When notification of payment is received, I would then manually send a unique product key to the customer.
My problem is that I am not overly comfortable with product keys being sent in a clear text email over the internt.
I've noticed many other small software vendors seem to use exactly this approach and don't seem to see it as a concern, so perhaps I'm being too paranoid?
On the other hand, if this is a valid concern, what other options have people used or know of, to increase the security of this final step in the process?
Would, say, creating a JPEG containing the product key and attaching it to the email be at all useful?