I built a Winform app several months ago that schedules appointments for repair techs. I'd like to update the app by adding a map for the customer's address on the customer form, and then print that map on the report the techs take when they leave the office.
I've been looking around but I haven't found a good solution for this yet.
I currently have an address for the customer. What I'd like to do is submit the address to one of the popular online map sites and get a minimap of the locale. I can almost do this with Google maps using their embedded link feature. I can get the following HTML after adding an address to their website:
<iframe width="300" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"
marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"
My first plan was to simply parse this HTML and insert whichever customer's address was needed in place this address, then show the result in a browser object on the form. However, if I change the address in the above iframe Google gives me a "Your client does not have permission to get URL ..." message.
I have no preference on which map service I ultimately use, the important thing is that the solution can't have an associated expenses and its usable from Windows forms.
Anyone got an ideas/recommendations/resources on how to tackle this?
I ended up using the control found here. I find it an "okay" solution... it's tedious to get working as the code does not work as-is. I'm pretty stunned to find that none of the popular map APIs support winforms.