




I have been struggling for some time trying to define a generic interface, but I fail to achieve what I want. The following is a simplified example of the problem.

Let's say I have a generic Message class

public class Message<T> {

    private T content;

    public void setContent(T content) {
     this.content = content;

    public T getContent() {
     return content;


and then I want to define an interface for transfering things:

public interface Transfer<Message<T>> {

    public void send(Message message);


The problem is that the compiler does not accept this, and always complains about the second '<' character, no matter what variations I try. How do I specify this interface so that it is bound to a generic type (based on Message) and also have access to the parameterized type?

My plan was to use this interface like the following:

public class Carrier<Message<T>> implements Transfer<Message<T>> {

    public void send(Message message) {
     T content = message.getContent();

    public static void print(String s) {
     System.out.println("The string equals '" + s + "'");

    public static void print(Integer i) {
     System.out.println("The integer equals " + i);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
     Carrier<Message<String>> stringCarrier = new Carrier<Message<String>>();
     Message<String> stringMessage = new Message<String>("test");

     Carrier<Message<Integer>> integerCarrier = new Carrier<Message<Integer>>();
     Message<Integer> integerMessage = new Message<Integer>(123);

I have done some searching and reading (among other things Angelika's generics faq), but I am not able to tell if this is not possible or if I am doing it wrong.

Update 2009-01-16: Removed the original usage of "Thing" instead of "Message< T >" (which was used because with that I was able to compile without getting syntax errors on the interface).

+5  A: 

It looks to me like you want:

public class Carrier<Thing extends Message<Foo>, Foo>
    implements Transfer<Thing>

That way the compiler will know that thing is a Message<Foo> and will therefore have a getContent() method.

You'll need to use it as:

Carrier<Message<String>, String>

But you've currently got a bit of a disconnect. You're implementing Transfer<Thing> but you're trying to use thing as if it's a Message<Thing> look at your send method - you're calling it with a String and an Integer. Those classes don't have getContent() methods.

I suspect you should actually be implementing Transfer<Message<Thing>> instead of Transfer<Thing>

Jon Skeet
Yes, bingo! I want to define the interface as "Transfer<Message<Thing>>" and that was my first approach. However, when I try that the compiler always gives syntax error on the second < no matter what variant of that I try. So using just "Transfer<Thing>" was the only way I got something to compile.
So why haven't you accepted this answer then?
Allain Lalonde

Regardless of how you solve your generics problem, your code will not compile because you do not have a print method that takes a type of T as a parameter.

I believe you will have to do instance of checks if you want the functionality you are looking for. So, I don't think you gain any value from the generic type in this case.


You only need to specify T for the class, and then use Message< T > for your argument/return types.

public interface Transfer<T> {
    public void send(Message<T> message);

The reason you don't use Message< T > is because you're providing the 'this is a message' context in your arguments and return types.
