On RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 the latest Ruby version available via RPM is 1.8.5. My Rails app requires 1.8.6 or above so I need to compile Ruby from source.
I have tried the following to build it and it seems to build ok, but then I'm seeing gcc compilation errors when trying to run a plug-in which requires RubyInline.
There seems to be a lack of decent documentation for building Ruby from source, suitable for running Rails apps.
Here's how I compiled Ruby:
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-openssl-include=/usr/include/openssl --with-openssl-lib=/usr/lib64/openssl/engines
sudo make install
I wonder whether there are specific compile flags I need to build this on a 64-bit system. The actual error I'm seeing is
error executing "gcc -shared -fPIC -g -O2 -I /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux -I /usr/include -L/usr/lib -o \"/home/deploy/.ruby_inline/Inline_ImageScience_aa58.so\" \"/home/deploy/.ruby_inline/Inline_ImageScience_aa58.c\" -lfreeimage -lstdc++ ":
Any advice would be greatly appreciated