



I'm trying to work through this guide to Rails routing, but I got stuck in section 3.3:

Creating a RESTful route will also make available a pile of helpers within your application

and then they list some helpers like photos_url, photos_path, etc.

My questions:

Where can I find the complete list of helpers that is "made available?"

Is there a way to call the helpers in the console? I created an app, then opened up the console with script/console. I tried to call one of the helpers on the console like this:

>> entries_url

But got:

NameError: undefined local variable or method `entries_url' for #<Object:0x349a4>
    from (irb):8

I think this may be what you are looking for ...

+5  A: 

rake routes at the command line should get you that list.

Mike Woodhouse
Take the first column and append _url to have the full URI or _path to have an URI not including the domain name.
Vincent Robert
+9  A: 

You have several questions in there, most of which have already been answered by people below.

The answer to one that wasn't fully addressed however, is: yes you can use the script/console to see where your routes go. Just type in app.[route_helper] and it will respond with the path. For example app.users_path will return /users/

So for your example type app.entries_url for the full URL - or app.entries_path for its relative path within the console.

Tim K.
Awesome! Thanks, man.

From memory, you can't call url/path helpers from the console for some reason.


You can access other helpers in the console by appending "helper."; ie. helper.progress_box (assuming #progress_box exists of course)

Matt Darby

There's an awesome guide called "Rails Routing from the Outside In" written by Mike Gunderloy that deals with everything and anything routing

Ryan Bigg
That's the guide I referred and linked to in my original question.
with a mistake in the url :) It has an extra "ttp"
Vijay Dev
@Vijay: fixed, thanks!
Ryan Bigg