First thing would be to use a sqlprofiler and check the sql that is getting executed. Maybe there's something wrong with that. I can't see something wrong in the criteria.
2009-01-12 05:11:21
First thing would be to use a sqlprofiler and check the sql that is getting executed. Maybe there's something wrong with that. I can't see something wrong in the criteria.
There are two queries are getting executed. But i couldnt figure it why rowCount returns 0. I didn't assign Order to this query, would it be a reason ?
SELECT TOP 3 id22_0_, Name22_0_, LastName22_0_, Descript4_22_0_, Phone22_0_, Mobile22_0_,
Email7_22_0_, Email8_22_0_, AddDate22_0_, Country22_0_ FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER
BY __hibernate_sort_expr_0__) as row, query.id22_0_, query.Name22_0_, query.LastName22_0_,
query.Descript4_22_0_, query.Phone22_0_, query.Mobile22_0_, query.Email7_22_0_,
query.Email8_22_0_, query.AddDate22_0_, query.Country22_0_, query.__hibernate_sort_expr_0__
FROM (SELECT as id22_0_, this_.Name as Name22_0_, this_.LastName as LastName22_0_,
this_.Description as Descript4_22_0_, this_.Phone as Phone22_0_, this_.Mobile as
Mobile22_0_, this_.Email1 as Email7_22_0_, this_.Email2 as Email8_22_0_, this_.AddDate as
AddDate22_0_, this_.Country as Country22_0_, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as __hibernate_sort_expr_0__
FROM Customer this_) query ) page WHERE page.row > 3 ORDER BY __hibernate_sort_expr_0__
SELECT TOP 3 y0_ FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY __hibernate_sort_expr_0__) as
row, query.y0_, query.__hibernate_sort_expr_0__ FROM (SELECT count(*) as y0_,
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as __hibernate_sort_expr_0__ FROM Customer this_) query ) page WHERE
page.row > 3 ORDER BY __hibernate_sort_expr_0__
I have solved my problem. The thing is, there is a buggy staff with Nhibernate about CriteriaTransformer.TransformToRowCount. It returns int not long.
And what i did wrong above is, i was trying to get the row count of limited result set(the query on which SetFirstResult and SetMaxResult setted)
ISession session = NHibernateHttpModule.CurrentSession;
var countCriteria = CriteriaTransformer.TransformToRowCount(query);
rowCount = Convert.ToInt64(countCriteria.GetExecutableCriteria(session).UniqueResult());
query.SetMaxResults(pageSize).SetFirstResult(pageIndex * pageSize);
var customers = query.GetExecutableCriteria(session).List<Customer>();
This is the solution for my scenerio. I hope it helps someone who has the same issue.