
How can I reload a datagrid in flash action script, after an xml file has loaded

Hi Everyone, Does anyone know how to change the rowcount of a datagrid in flash after it has been created on the stage. I am loading an xml file externally that contains the number of rows the datagrid should have, but the problem is that becuase this file is not loaded at runtime, it just picks the default 3 items. Maybe I have to rel...

Projections.RowCountInt64() returns 0 when i set SetFirstResult

rowCount returns 0 when query.SetFirstResult is different from 0 ? if the result of pageIndex x pageSize = 0 // it gives me the rowCount but when it is not equal to 0, countCriteria gives me 0 instead of rowCount. What can i do ? Thanks in advance ...

How do I include filtered rowcounts from two other tables in a query of a third?

I have a MySql database with three tables I need to combine in a query: schedule, enrolled and waitlist. They are implementing a basic class enrollment system. Schedule contains the scheduled classes. When a user enrolls in a class, their user account id and the id of the scheduled class are stored in enrolled. If a class is at capacity...

Move SQL Server data in limited (1000 row) chunks

I'm writing a process that archives rows from a SQL Server table based on a datetime column. I want to move all the rows with a date before X, but the problem is that there are millions of rows for each date, so doing a BEGIN TRANSACTION...INSERT...DELETE...COMMIT for each date takes too long, and locks up the database for other users. ...

How can I do paging in Sybase without making temp table? (oracle rownum issue)

In Oracle, usually query like this for paging. SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, rownum rid FROM TABLEA WHERE rownum <= #pageend#) WHERE rid > #pagestart# However, there is no "rownum" function in Sybase DBMS. How can I do that query exactlly same in Sybase? I found some ways. use "rowcount" set rowcount 10 select * from TABLEA use iden...

How do I get a Flex AdvancedDatagrid to display just one row?

I have an AdvancedDatagrid, whose dataProvider is an ArrayCollection that contains 1 row of displayable stuff. Flex continues to display about 6 rows, the top one filled, the rest blank. I've set the rowCount="1", with no luck. ...

How to show all rows in the jqGrid?

jqGrid exposes a property rowNum where you can set the number of rows to display for each page. How do you set the grid to just display ALL rows? Right now I'm just setting the rowNum to something really high like <%= int.MaxValue %> but I'm wondering if there is a better way. ...

Sql Server 2008 MERGE - best way to get counts

I'm wondering what y'alls would recommend as the best way to go about getting the action counts from a MERGE statement in Sql Server. So, i.e. I run a MERGE which does some inserts, some updates and some deletes, ... I would like to be able to find out HOW MANY inserts, HOW MANY updates and How Many deletes. What'd be the best way to...

Measuring Progress of SSIS Data Flow

I am running a SSIS package to load say a million rows from a flat file, which uses a script task for complex transformations and a SQL Server table destination. I am trying to figure out the best way (well, ANY way at this stage) to write out to a different table the row count (probably in multiples of 1000 to be more efficient) DURING ...

Consolidated: SQL 2005+ Dynamic Pagination using SET ROWCOUNT or RowNumber() ?

I've a complex SP which applies multiple JOINs and lookup and come complex filters like comma-separated values, etc... On top of it, I've to deploy two complex yet performance-effective features: 1. Dynamic sorting but I see its limited - you kno the long/clumsy CASE hierarchy, its strange that experts also agree that this is the only '...

Limit rows returned using TableAdapter (typed DataSets)

Does anyone know the best way to limit the number of rows returned when using typed TableAdapters? Options appear to be: Pass "top X" as a parameter (can't do this until we're on SQLS2008 Issue a dynamic SQL statement: set rowcount X before calling my tableadapter method, then set rowcount 0 aftwards. Something else I haven't thought ...

How to get row count of ObjectDataSource

Hello you all How can i get row count of ObjectDataSouce ? I use ObjectDataSource and DataList . I want show some thing to the user for example in a label when there are certain row returned by ObjectDataSource . One of situation is when there is no record . Thank you . ...

Row count of a column family in Cassandra

Is there a way to get a row count (key count) of a single column family in Cassandra? get_count can only be used to get the column count. For instance, if I have a column family containing users and wanted to get the number of users. How could I do it? Each user is it's own row. ...

Execute Multiline sybase statement with java.sql.Statement

How can I both set rowcount and then execute a query in a Statement.executeQuery() function? note I don't want to use Statement.setMaxRows() to do this ...

MSAccess: Ranking rows based upon column criteria

I have a dataset that looks like this: Account Cost Centre TransNo aaa 111 43443 aaa 111 32112 aaa 111 43211 aaa 112 32232 aaa 113 56544 bbb 222 43222 bbb 222 98332 ccc 111 88778 I need a column added that is a counter of the numbe...

How to get the number of deleted rows in PostgreSQL?

Hi, I am looking for a way to return the number of rows affected by a DELETE clause in PostgreSQL. The documentation states that; On successful completion, a DELETE command returns a command tag of the form DELETE count The count is the number of rows deleted. If count is 0, no rows matched the condition (this is no...

Show Row Count in SQL Profiler

Is it possible to show a "Row Count" column in SQL Server Profiler? For example there are CPU and Duration columns but can it show how many rows a query returns? ...

Suppress Crystal Reports section if there are no rows in a datatable

I have a section in a Crystal Report that I want to suppress. I need to suppress it if there are 0 rows in a particular table in the dataset I am using. How would I do this? The Record Number special field provided appears to be an internal count of records in the report, and does not relate to the rows in the underlying data table. I ...

Flex - How to change open DropDownList height

Using FB4, I want to change the height of an open spark DropDownList. By default, it shows up to 6 items before scrolling. My dropdownlist contains 7 items, so I want to change the height of the open dropdown list to fit all 7 items without scrolling. As a workaround, I've changed the font size of the items so that they are smaller and a...

Return number of rows affected by SQL UPDATE statement in Java

I'm using a MySQL database and accessing it through Java. PreparedStatement prep1 = this.connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE user_table SET Level = 'Super' WHERE Username = ?"); prep1.setString(1, username); ...