
Case statement in SQL Rownumber() Order By clause not working on varchar and int values

Why doesn't this work? DECLARE @temp table (ShipNo int, Supplier varchar(10) ) INSERT INTO @temp VALUES (1,'CFA') INSERT INTO @temp VALUES (1, 'TFA') INSERT INTO @temp VALUES (2, 'LRA') INSERT INTO @temp VALUES (2, 'LRB') INSERT INTO @temp VALUES (3, 'ABC') INSERT INTO @temp VALUES (4, 'TFA') Declare @OrderBy varchar(255) sET @OrderB...

What is wrong with this query? Can't get ROW_NUMBER() to work.

SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY hrl.Frn) as Row, hrl.unq, hrl.LcnsId, hc.Business,hc.Name,hc.Phone, hrl.Frn,hrl.CallSign, hrl.gsamarkettypeid, gmt.[Market Type Code] + ' - ' + gmt.gsamarkettype, hrl.gsalatitude,hrl.gsalongitude, rsc.RadioServiceCode + ' - ' + rsc.RadioService, GrantDt, Ex...

How To Project a Line Number Into Linq Query Results

How can I project the row number onto the linq query result set. Instead of say: field1, field2, field3 field1, field2, field3 I would like: 1, field1, field2, field3 2, field1, field2, field3 Here is my attempt at this: public List<ScoreWithRank> GetHighScoresWithRank(string gameId, int count) { Guid guid = new Guid(gameId);...

TSQL: Howto add a char to a select statement.

I have the following statement SELECT id, descr from mytable which returns 1, 'Test1' 4, 'Test4' 6, 'Test6' 8, 'Test8' 22, 'Test22' Now I want the display to Add a sequential character to the first 4 results... 'A', 1, 'Test1' 'B', 4, 'Test4' 'C', 6, 'Test6' 'D', 8, 'Test8' '',22, 'Test22' Thoughts? Edit: Would prefer a SQL Ser...

Database Deadlocks when using Rownum?

If I have the following code being called from multiple threads in an application, is there a deadlock risk? The transaction used to connect to the database for this is opened just before this call and closed once it returns. Application : Java Database: Oracle FUNCTION reserveWork(in_batch_id NUMBER, in_work_s...

How can I delete or select a row from a table that has a specific row number?

I have a question about Microsoft SQL Server 2005. How can I delete or select a row from a table that has a specific row number? ...

How can I get a batch at a time of all the rows in a sql table?

I have a table with 40 million rows. I want to pick up about 2 million at a time and "process" them. Why? Cos processing processing 10million+ rows degrades performance, and often times out. (I need this to work independant of data size, so i cant just keep increasing the time out limit.) Also, I'm using SQL Server. ...

Add a sequential number on create / insert - Teradata

In oracle we would use rownum on the select as we created this table. Now in teradata, I can't seem to get it to work. There isn't a column that I can sort on and have unique values (lots of duplication) unless I use 3 columns together. The old way would be something like, create table temp1 as select rownum as insert_num, ...

How do I use ROW_NUMBER() in SQL?

Hi, I want to use the ROW_NUMBER() to get... To get the max(ROW_NUMBER()) --> Or i guess this would also be the count of all rows I tried doing: SELECT max(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY UserId)) FROM Users but it didn't seem to work... To get ROW_NUMBER() using a given piece of information, ie. if I have a name and I want to kno...

What is the problem with below query?

Hi I tried to execute the below query to get results as paging manner but when i tried to execute i'm getting error like Invalid column name 'RowNum' can you try it once DECLARE @PageNum AS INT; DECLARE @PageSize AS INT; SET @PageNum = 2; SET @PageSize = 10; WITH videosrn AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY videoid) AS RowNum ...

Should SQL ranking functionality be considered as "use with caution"

This question originates from a discussion on whether to use SQL ranking functionality or not in a particular case. Any common RDBMS includes some ranking functionality, i.e. it's query language has elements like TOP n ... ORDER BY key, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY key), or ORDER BY key LIMIT n (overview). They do a great job in increas...

Iterating 1 row at a time with massive amounts of links/joins

Ok, basically what is needed is a way to have row numbers while using a lot of joins and having where clauses using these rownumbers. such as something like select ADDRESS.ADDRESS FROM ADDRESS INNER JOIN WORKHISTORY ON WORKHISTORY.ADDRESSRID=ADDRESS.ADDRESSRID INNER JOIN PERSON ON PERSON.PERSONRID=WORKHISTORY.PERSONRID WHERE PERSONRID...

Returning Every Other Record with LINQ

I have a query that returns 10000's of records that are used as plot points on a map. In an effort to reduce load, and increase app speed we're trying to implement what basically amounts to Level of Detail logic. Basically, when zoomed out, display 50% of the points. When zoomed in, display 100% of the points. This is ultimately what I ...

Combine row_number() and string column in Postgres

Hi all, I need to combine to a string column and the result of a row_number() calculation into one column. What I've got is column 1, containing strings and column 2, containing the row_number() result. Now I to combine both into one. What's the way of this in postgres? I figured that a simple + or & does not work out. tia K ...

Consolidated: SQL 2005+ Dynamic Pagination using SET ROWCOUNT or RowNumber() ?

I've a complex SP which applies multiple JOINs and lookup and come complex filters like comma-separated values, etc... On top of it, I've to deploy two complex yet performance-effective features: 1. Dynamic sorting but I see its limited - you kno the long/clumsy CASE hierarchy, its strange that experts also agree that this is the only '...

SSRS Row Group + Column Group = RowNumber Issue

I'm back with another SSRS question :-) I'm dealing with survey data. I have a procedure that's returning an organization's response counts per question. So my report is defined as Group on Organization for row and Group on answer for columns. Both the number of organizations and answers are variable. That's working as expected. I'...

the row no in query output

I have a numeric field (say num) in table along with pkey. select * from mytable order by num now how I can get the row no in query output of a particular row for which I have pkey. I'm using sql 2000. ...


Is there a nice way in MySQL to replicate the MS SQL Server function ROW_NUMBER()? For example: SELECT col1, col2, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY col1, col2 ORDER BY col3 DESC) AS intRow FROM Table1 Then I could, for example, add a condition to limit intRow to 1 to get a single row with the highest col3 for each (col1, col...

INNER JOIN And Row_Num() Function Problem

Hi , I have a stored Procedure which do Sorting and Paging like the Sorting Custom Paged Results of of Scott Michell . I have two tables: Article and Category ,My StoredProcedure works fine for Article Table , But i want add a field of Category into queyr (Inner Join I mean ) Actually I can't do like the Scott Michell has done , Becau...

Is it possible to add a identity to a GROUP BY using SQL?

Is it possible to add a identity column to a GROUP BY so that each duplicate has a identity number? My original data looks like this: 1 AAA [timestamp] 2 AAA [timestamp] 3 BBB [timestamp] 4 CCC [timestamp] 5 CCC [timestamp] 6 CCC [timestamp] 7 DDD [timestamp] 8 DDD [timestamp] 9 EEE [timestamp] .... ...