



The IQueryable results is queried from my db using LINQ, How do I add a new record to the IQueryable result.

+1  A: 

You can firstly convert it to List;

IQueryable<int> foo = new IQueryable<int<();
List<int> list = foo.ToList();

or by using Concat

IQueryable<int> foo = new IQueryable<int<();
foo = foo.Concat(new int[]{5});

EDIT: sure you have to reassign foo.

But my IQueryable variable has two different data types, the SexCode field is an integer, and SexName is a string, so I can't specify the datatype.
See my new answer. It would help.
+3  A: 

Do you want to add it to the database, or just to the list of results that other things like databinding will use?

If it's the former, you'll need to use the normal add operation for whatever kind of LINQ you're using, but to the table representation rather than the IQueryable. Queries only read data.

If it's the latter, use Enumerable.Concat to concatenate your existing sequence (the IQueryable) with a new one containing your extra entries (an array would do fine here, or a list), and use the result for binding etc. It's probably worth using AsEnumerable() first to make sure that Enumerable is used instead of Queryable. For example:

IQueryable<string> names = [...];
names = names.AsEnumerable().Concat(new[] { "(None)", "(Add new)" });
Jon Skeet

Sorry, I tried both of your ways, but it wouldn't work. Below is my code, I'm trying to read data for a gender drop down list:

dcDataContext db = new dcDataContext();
var results = from c in db.tblSexes
              select new { c.SexCode, c.SexName };

              results = results.AsEnumerable().Concat(new[] { new { SexCode = -1, SexName = "Please select your Gender" } });

              SelectList sliSex = new SelectList(results, "SexCode", "SexName");

I got this error: Error 4 The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Concat(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.

Try using results.ToList() in the SelectList
Marc Gravell
I've edited my latest post. Could you try it?

Explicitly set properties for anonymous types. Try This:

dcDataContext db = new dcDataContext();
var results = from c in db.tblSexes
              select new { c.SexCode, c.SexName };
results = results.AsEnumerable().Concat(new[] { new { SexCode = -1, SexName = "Please select your Gender"} });
SelectList sliSex = new SelectList(results, "SexCode", "SexName");

Edit: You have to point the exact types of you properties. I mean if it is int you have to point that it is. I guess SexCode is a 'long' and by default -1 is an 'int'. If you cast -1 to long(or the type of SexCode) the problem will be solved.

Here is the exact solution if SexCode's type is long.

dcDataContext db = new dcDataContext();
var results = from c in db.tblSexes
              select new { c.SexCode, c.SexName };
results = results.Concat(new[] { new { SexCode = -1L, SexName = "Please select your Gender"} });
SelectList sliSex = new SelectList(results, "SexCode", "SexName");
I really appreciate your help, but it still doesn't work, I got the error msg: The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Concat<TSource>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
Your welcome :) But I think you forgot to give the property names. Try 'new [] { new { SexCode = -1, SexName = "Please select your Gender"} }' not 'new[] { new { -1, "Please select your Gender"} }'. The error mentions that!
Tried this one, but still won't work :o( Error: The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Concat<TSource>(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
Can you post the code that you wrote to here?
Hi, I just updated my code, pls see the "answer" I posted above.

Because the results is IQueryable you should cast to it

  dcDataContext db = new dcDataContext();
var results = from c in db.tblSexes
              select new { c.SexCode, c.SexName };
results = results.AsEnumerable().Concat(new[] { new { SexCode = -1, SexName = "Please select your Gender"} }).AsQueryable();
SelectList sliSex = new SelectList(results, "SexCode", "SexName");

Or without any casting

results = results.Union(new[] { new { SexCode = -1, SexName = "Please select your Gender"} })

Dincer Uyav
Sorry, but I tried your code, but I still got errors.
can you paste your latest code because I coded my answer and it works
Dincer Uyav
That is what I mentioned. I guess he forgot to define property names explicitly.
Thanks, but I got a new error: The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Queryable.Union<TSource>(System.Linq.IQueryable<TSource>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
Sure, 'she' is an option too :)
Try specifying the type arguments explicitly. That is the exact error. You forgot it I think.
By the way, casting to IQueryable is not the need. IQueryable itself inherits IEnumarable
Since we are not downcasting we need to, try and see plz
Dincer Uyav
I've tried that. As 'AsQueryable()' also you don't need to 'AsEnumerable()' in the code you gave.
Yes it is not needed ,if you remove AsEnumerable, it returns IQueryable of course.
Dincer Uyav
Hmm, I just looked at IQueryable<T> and it has two overloads. One returns IQueryable<T> and the other from IEnumerable<T> returns IEnumrable<T>. So this makes the discussion meaningful, I guess.

The simple answer is that unless you add the record to the underlying datastore that the Iqueryable is querying, you can't add a new record into an IQueryable. So if you are using LinqToSql then you would have to add a row into the table that the IQueryable was querying in order to "add" a row into the IQueryable.

Remember that an IQueryable is not a result set, it is a query. Until you use something like .ToList() the IQueryable will not evaluate a result set and more importantly, the IQueryable doesn't hang on to that result set. It creates a list and puts the results into in instead. So that means that if you call ToList() on an Iqueryable twice, it will go off and query the database twice. It doesn't care that it might be inefficient.

So, if you look at the examples that others have used above, a simple change of AsEnumerable() to ToList() will most likely fix your problems.

Something like:

dcDataContext db = new dcDataContext();
var query = from c in db.tblSexes
              select new { c.SexCode, c.SexName };

var results = query.ToList().Concat(new[] { new { SexCode = -1, SexName = "Please select your Gender" } });

//or even better now that it's a list
var results = query.ToList().Add(new { SexCode = -1, SexName = "Please select your Gender" });

SelectList sliSex = new SelectList(results, "SexCode", "SexName");