




I've been using HomeSite since Allaire owned it. I started with plain html, then classic asp, now I've been using it for php development for quite awhile but there's a feature I really want and Homesite only seems to do it sometimes. Most IDEs will show a list of functions on a page. Homesite will sort of do this with the Tag Inspector feature. If I have a file that is nothing but php user defined functions (ex. require('functions.php')) then all the functions show up just fine. However, if my page is mainly an HTML page with php functions added in they don't show up in the outline.

I quess I could have all my functions be part of a 'required' file but I was wondering if any homesite jocks might know of a more reliable way of creating an outline profile that would display user defined functions


I used Homesite myself. Topstyle kinda took over from it (it was by the same guy), and now TS itself has now been sold on, for version 4 - http://www.topstyle4.com/ - (now in beta).

Code insight for the files/classes/functions isn't particularly unique anymore though - I think the various Eclipse based IDEs and the Komodo IDE can also do it now.

Alister Bulman
They all seemed to have code insight for the different programming languages but no for html itself. I least not that I've noticed.

I don't use homesite, but it sounds like perhaps it could be keying off the file extension. Try saving your file with a different extension, for example: save "yourfile.html" as "yourfile.phtml".