I am building an email which will be used via a web form to transmit data to a mailbox. I am looking to timestamp the XML portion of the email using ISO 8601 format. I need to get the time the email is sent then convert it all using PHP. Any ideas?
will output the current server time in iso8601. If you're looking to read in a date, you can pass a timestamp into the function like this
date('c',strtotime('January 4th 2001 4:30pm'))
where the argument for strtotime is just about any english readable text representation of a date.
2009-01-12 19:03:48
Okay...tried it but it won't display anything. I used date('c'). Nothing came up. LOL Sorry...newbie here!!
you should write the answer to yaauie's response in a comment to it or edit your initial question
2009-01-12 19:19:10
The format Y-m-d\TH:i:sO
is the same as c
. Since PHP 5.1.1 there is the constant DATE_ISO8601
holding this value.
2009-01-12 19:41:10