That sort of Eval statement was actually added in 2.0, but if performance is important Eval should be avoided since it uses Reflection.
The repeater is a pretty good way of doing it, although it might be faster to generate the table in code:
ASPX Page:
<table class="report" id="bookTable" runat="server">
Code Behind:
Protected Sub Page_Load( ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostback Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BuildTable()
Dim db As New BookstoreDataContext
Dim bookCollection = from b in db.Books _
Order By b.Published _
Select b
Dim row As HtmlTableRow
Dim cell As HtmlTableCell
For Each book As Books In bookCollection
row = New HtmlTableRow()
cell = New HtmlTableCell With { .InnerText = b.Published.ToShortDateString }
cell = New HtmlTableCell With { .InnerText = TryNbsp(HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(b.Title)) }
cell = New HtmlTableCell With { .InnerText = TryNbsp(HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(b.Author))
cell = New HtmlTableCell With { .InnerText = Format(b.Price, "c") }
I guess it depends on how important speed is to you. For simplicity's sake I think I would go with the Repeater.