




I have a range I'd like to arbitrarily sort and filter using vba. I don't, however, want it to affect the worksheet. I'd like to essentially copy the range into some native class that supports filtering and sorting (so i don't have to reinvent the wheel) and use that class to return a result to calling code.

Are there any classes I can use to this end? ListObject looked the most promising but it appears to require being tied to a worksheet range to work properly.


Why not copy the data to a new, hidden worksheet, perform your sort/filter there, and then copy the data back when done?

This might suffice. I'll have a look. Ty
Can you give an example of the code you'd use to do this all from vba?

Hi I see you're still having issues with this. What is your user interface?

Jason Lepack
I'll email you since it'd be hard to describe the full problem with these comments.
Dick Kusleika
I'm having trouble with the rResult.Value = vaTemp line. VBA doesn't seem to let me set the value of rResult from within the function. I've read other places VBA won't let you set a range value from within a function - only subs. Are you sure this code works? Thanks again for the help.

You can use recordsets. Here are some notes:

'Reference: Microsost ActiveX n.n Object Library '

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

'From: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246335 '

strFile = Workbooks(1).FullName
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFile _
    & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

cn.Open strCon

'Must have client-side cursor for sorting '
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient

'Substitute a name range for [Sheet1$] '
'or include a range of cells : [Sheet1&A1:C7] '

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] " _
       & "WHERE TransID>2 ORDER BY MyTime"

rs.Open strSQL, cn, 3, 3

rs.Filter = "TransID=3"
rs.Sort = "Mytime"

'Write out to another sheet '
Worksheets(2).Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs

You may find this thread interesting: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/226978/syncing-two-lists-with-vba

+1  A: 

If you'd like to read and parse complex sets of data you can use the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset 2.8 Library. With this you can read your data into a recordset, then filter, sort, append, delete and pass it to other functions.

I regularly use this, because i often have to manipulate and display large datasets. If it's in a recordset i can use the same manipulation and presentation routines over and over again.

See Merge Excel Sheets.... for an example of throwing data into a recordset. After you have the data in a recordset then use r.filter = "ColumnA = 1", or r.sort = "ColumnC, ColumnA".

Mark Nold
+1  A: 

Turns out I can create a recordSet to do this. Unlike, Remou's answer though we don't have to invoke a heavy weight odbc process on our sheet.

The following function (adapted from Mark Nold's answer) will create a record set from the supplied range. It assumes column headers are in the first row of the supplied range. This can be made more robust but its a good starting spot

Function CreateRecordSet(rSource As range) As Recordset
    ' Constants
    Const MAX_CHARS = 1200

    ' Declarations
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Dim c As Long
    Dim r As Long
    Dim colCount As Long
    Dim rowCount As Long
    Dim fldName As String

    colCount = rSource.Columns.Count
    rowCount = rSource.rows.Count

    ' Setup record set
    Set rs = New Recordset
    r = 1 ' assume first row contains headers
    For c = 1 To colCount
        fldName = rSource.Cells(r, c).Value
        rs.Fields.Append fldName, adVarChar, MAX_CHARS
    Next c

    ' Fill record set
    r = 2 ' skip header row
    For r = 2 To rowCount
        Debug.Print "row "; r & " of " & rowCount & " created"
        For c = 1 To colCount
            rs.Fields(c - 1) = CStr(rSource.Cells(r, c).Value)
            Debug.Print "-- row(" & r; "): added col " & c & " of " & colCount
        Next c
    Next r

    Set CreateRecordSet = rs
End Function
Sub TestCreateRecordSet()
    Dim r As range
    Dim rs As Recordset

    Set r = range("A1:B4")
    Set rs = CreateRecordSet(r)
End Sub
See Mark Nolds answer for the reasoning behind the use of record set
Excellent work, and good point that this is the light weight way of doing things :)
Mark Nold