



I have several constants in a PHP application I'm developing. I've defined a Constants class and the defined the constants as const VAR_NAME = value; in this class. I would like to share these constants between my JavaScript and PHP code. Is there a DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) mechanism to share them?

class Constants {
    const RESOURCE_TYPE_INFO = 1;
+1  A: 

I would use json_encode. You will have to convert the class to an associative array first.

$constants = array("RESOURCE_TYPE_REGISTER"=>2, "RESOURCE_TYPE_INFO"=>2);
echo json_encode($constants);

You could also use reflection to convert the class to an associative array if you would prefer to use a class.

function get_class_consts($class_name)
    $c = new ReflectionClass($class_name);
    return ($c->getConstants());

class Constants {
    const RESOURCE_TYPE_INFO = 1;

echo json_encode(get_class_consts("Constants"));
Adam Peck
You mixed JavaScript and PHP syntax. There is no JSON object in PHP. There are just json_*() functions.
Oops. I have updated it so there is no confusion :D
Adam Peck
This is great, however, get_class_vars seems to skip the const variables in the class.
Brian Fisher
Heh. Nice patching.
Crescent Fresh
Hey at least it's right now :) Although I still think the simplest way is to leave it in an associative array. And this time I actually tested it too!
Adam Peck
Thanks, this works great. I like using the const member variables instead of an associative array, because my IDE can then do code completion.
Brian Fisher

The only way you can share the constants is to have the php side inform the javascript. For instance:

echo "<script> var CONSTANT1 =".$constant_instance->CONSTANT_NAME.";</script>";

Or using ajax, you could also write a small script that would return the constants as JSON/whatever.


A bit of an ugly hack, but here it goes:


$const1 = 42;
$const2 = "Hello";

constants.html (use inside JavaScript)

<script type="text/javascript" src="constants.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">document.write($const1);</script>

constants.php (use inside PHP)

ob_start(); // start buffering the "//"
require "constants.js";
ob_end_clean(); // discard the buffered "//"

echo $const1;
Ates Goral
I knew this answer would get downvotes! :)
Ates Goral