



Let's say I have a editor template (which inserts some arbitrary snippet of code) defined in my editor preferences.

I'd like to access that template programmatically. How do I do this?

I know the classes TemplateStore, TemplatePreferencesPage, and TemplatePersistentData exist, but I haven't been able to put them together into anything working.

Is there any example code that would allow me to access my editor template via Java code?

+7  A: 

May be this JavaPlugin class (within org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui package of eclipse) may provide you with a first lead to follow.

  * Returns the template store for the code generation templates.
  * @return the template store for the code generation templates
  * @since 3.0
 public TemplateStore getCodeTemplateStore() {
     if (fCodeTemplateStore == null) {
         IPreferenceStore store= getPreferenceStore();
         boolean alreadyMigrated= store.getBoolean(CODE_TEMPLATES_MIGRATION_KEY);
         if (alreadyMigrated)
             fCodeTemplateStore= new ContributionTemplateStore(getCodeTemplateContextRegistry(), store, CODE_TEMPLATES_KEY);
         else {
             fCodeTemplateStore= new CompatibilityTemplateStore(getCodeTemplateContextRegistry(), store, CODE_TEMPLATES_KEY, getOldCodeTemplateStoreInstance());
             store.setValue(CODE_TEMPLATES_MIGRATION_KEY, true);

         try {
         } catch (IOException JavaDoc e) {


         // compatibility / bug fixing code for duplicated templates
         // TODO remove for 3.0
        CompatibilityTemplateStore.pruneDuplicates(fCodeTemplateStore, true);            

     return fCodeTemplateStore;

From there, you could find some class using that function:

NewASInterfaceWizard seems to need to access those code templates:

private String resolveTemplate(String templateName) {

     Template template = ASEditorPlugin.getDefault().getCodeTemplateStore().findTemplate(templateName);
     if (template == null) {
      showErrorBox("Could not resolve template (" + templateName +").");
      return "";

        // Create the template context
     TemplateContext templeteContext = new TemplateContext(new ASContextType()) {

            public TemplateBuffer evaluate(Template template) throws BadLocationException, TemplateException {
                TemplateTranslator translator = new TemplateTranslator();
                TemplateBuffer buffer = translator.translate(template);
                getContextType().resolve(buffer, this);
                return buffer;

            public boolean canEvaluate(Template template) {
                return true;


        try {
            return templeteContext.evaluate(template).getString();
        } catch (BadLocationException e) {
            logger.error("Couldnt evaluate template",e);
        } catch (TemplateException e) {
            logger.error("Couldnt evaluate template",e);
       return "";


Used like that:

        private static final String FILE_HEADER_TEMPLATE = "file_header";
        // Header
     String header = resolveTemplate(FILE_HEADER_TEMPLATE);
     if (header.length() > 0) {
      content.append(header + "\n");