Referring to TLB and maintenance issues ...
My question to people (often) using the new COM/ActiveX type library support in Delphi 2009:
How stable is the implementation?
Especially, I'm interested in: adding/deleting classes, changing GUIDs, renaming methods/properties, reordering methods/properties, huge type libraries (50+ classes), ...
Is it as stable as in Delphi 2007 (a nightmare) or Delphi 7 (quite OK, but sometimes you have to restore the TLB file from SVN) or super-stable (as in, ... uhm, .... do you remember any Delphi version)?
EDIT: Yes, of course, the text RIDL was an excellent idea, but my question is:
Is the (new) implementation of the TLB support stable (especially synchronization of the RIDL file with the visual TLB editor and the implementation classes when doing the tasks I described above).