I am trying to use the Office COM components in order to create Word and Excel documents. Unfortunately I can not achieve this because I am getting an error.
Cannot find IDispatch for '{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' in module '{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', v8.3
I tried reinstalling Office, my application (ALBPM) and my interface (combsvc) but it is not working.
I want to know how can I install IDispatch, or how can I know if it is installed in the correct module. Some times the error says:
Cannot find IDispatch for '{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' ... instead of 00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
The code I'm using generate these errors is:
wordAppl.visible = false
wordDocs = wordAppl.documents
contratoTemplate = "C:\\albpmFiles\\mandatory\\aTemplate.doc"
// .doc template
convenioTemplate = "C:\\albpmFiles\\mandatory\\ConvenioModificatorio.doc"
// .doc template
saveContrato = "C:\\albpmFiles\\temp\\"
// where to save.
saveConvenio = "C:\\albpmFiles\\temp\\"
contratoName = "NewContact.doc"
wordDoc = open(wordDocs, fileName : contratoTemplate)
bookmark = item(wordDoc.bookmarks, index : "atrDescripcion")
insertAfter bookmark.range
using text = instSolicitud.atrDescripcion
bookmark = item(wordDoc.bookmarks, index : "atrObjProveedor_atrNombre")
insertAfter bookmark.range
using text = instSolicitud.atrObjProveedor.atrNombre
bookmark = item(wordDoc.bookmarks, index : "atrObjProveedor_atrDireccion")
insertAfter bookmark.range
using text = instSolicitud.atrObjProveedor.atrDireccion
filename = saveContrato + contratoName
// Extras - Fin
saveAs wordDoc
using fileName = filename
Any information you have about the IDispatch, or these registry entries, well be very appreciated, even if you can tell me where to find more info about this.
Thanks a lot. Daniel.