hi friends I want to learn php from basic and want to implement php in c++ so will you tell me how to learn php ,is there any good site so that i can implement with c++ programming in UNIX environment. Thanx
C++ is a compiled language. That means that you take your C++ source code and compile it (run it though a program called a compiler) and it turns into an executable program. That program is then executed like any other program on your computer.
PHP is a scripting language. This means that a compiled program called an interpreter reads your scripts (PHP source code) and performs whatever commands you asked it to in your code.
PHP is part of a class of scripting languages called "server-side scripting languages." These languages run on web servers (such as IIS, Apache or ColdFusion) that generally use your scripts to print out HTML. A browser (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox) sends a request to the server, then the server loads your scripts and runs them to print HTML. This HTML is then sent back to the browser and rendered as a web page.
With PHP (or any server side scripting language) you can do things like talk to databases in order to print out dynamic content (like a blog or forum).
In order to use PHP you must install and run a web server. I would recommend using Apache (I have heard of using IIS with PHP though but have never done it). You can download XAMPP which is a single installer that will install Apache, Mysql and Filezilla for you. Link
You will then need to configure the PHP interpreter with Apache so that the web server knows to use your .php scripts to print HTML. XAMPP will do that configuration for you, so you don't have to worry about that.
Once you have all of this in order, you can write a PHP script by creating a text file in the web server's Document Root (for XAMMP on Windows it is c:\xammp\htdocs) with the .php extension. You would put your script's code in that file. You can then run that script by going to:
http://localhost/<you script name>.php
To learn about PHP and other web technologies visit w3schools. It is a very good resource.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask. We all started somewhere.
Here is the first post I made five years ago when I started programming:
wher do i lern c++ and html?? i got some qustons, plese anser the questions the best u can? all help is welcom first what is a compiler? second, is c++, or html anythis like unrel script? third, wher can i get a compiler fourth, wher do i lern how to use C++, and html? all of your help is apciateed a lot.
Yes, that was me. No you may not have the URL. If people on that forum didn't help me out I don't know where I would be today :)