UPDATE: Here's my implementation of Hashed Timing Wheels. Please let me know if you have an idea to improve the performance and concurrency. (20-Jan-2009)
// Sample usage:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer();
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i ++) {
timer.newTimeout(new TimerTask() {
public void run(Timeout timeout) throws Exception {
// Extend another second.
}, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
UPDATE: I solved this problem by using Hierarchical and Hashed Timing Wheels. (19-Jan-2009)
I'm trying to implement a special purpose timer in Java which is optimized for timeout handling. For example, a user can register a task with a dead line and the timer could notify a user's callback method when the dead line is over. In most cases, a registered task will be done within a very short amount of time, so most tasks will be canceled (e.g. task.cancel()) or rescheduled to the future (e.g. task.rescheduleToLater(1, TimeUnit.SECOND)).
I want to use this timer to detect an idle socket connection (e.g. close the connection when no message is received in 10 seconds) and write timeout (e.g. raise an exception when the write operation is not finished in 30 seconds.) In most cases, the timeout will not occur, client will send a message and the response will be sent unless there's a weird network issue..
I can't use java.util.Timer or java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor because they assume most tasks are supposed to be timed out. If a task is cancelled, the cancelled task is stored in its internal heap until ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.purge() is called, and it's a very expensive operation. (O(NlogN) perhaps?)
In traditional heaps or priority queues I've learned in my CS classes, updating the priority of an element was an expensive operation (O(logN) in many cases because it can only be achieved by removing the element and re-inserting it with a new priority value. Some heaps like Fibonacci heap has O(1) time of decreaseKey() and min() operation, but what I need at least is fast increaseKey() and min() (or decreaseKey() and max()).
Do you know any data structure which is highly optimized for this particular use case? One strategy I'm thinking of is just storing all tasks in a hash table and iterating all tasks every second or so, but it's not that beautiful.