



It's not that I can't google for myself, however others have tread this path before me and I"m always interested in what other programmers have found helpful, or not :)

Thanks in advance for any input.

+1  A: is the first place I go.

Scott Gu's blog has a good Linq to SQL series as well.

I'm sure someone will mention that you might want to take a look at Linq to Entities as Linq to SQL isn't going to be getting much attention from Microsoft in the future.

Don't worry about this. Linq to SQL is still really good. Linq to Entities (Entity Framework) really isn't good to use yet. Give it another year for Entity Framework. I use Linq to SQL for lots of stuff. It's great.
Paul Mendoza
+4  A: 

Hands down IMHO, an excellent read...

This book isn't all examples and short disconnected sentences right after another, its written to be read.
+1  A: 

If I was a betting man (and I am), I would start to learn the Entity Framework. While individuals on the surface have been noting that this is just another attempt by Microsoft to kill a popular application (linqToSQL) with a "new" one; it's not. The overall vision and direction that EF is heading is actually really impressive when you get into the nuts and/or bolts.

However, for me, personally, the light flickered on when I read Manning Press' "Linq In Action". Not only is Fabrice Marguerie a great resource for all things LINQ; he has an uncanny ability to make things pleasant to read and understand.

Ian Patrick Hughes