I can get the nameserver via NSLOOKUP on a Windows machine and get an AD DC via a WMI VBS script, but I can't use the VBS script from a Unix server ( which can ping the nameserver). I'd like to use Java to obtain all the Active Directory domain controllers from a Unix box. Is this possible?
I'd suggest you to look into java.net package which contains various classes like INetAddress, URLConnection and various socket classes that you might find useful.
2009-01-17 01:33:55
I'm aware of these classes...Can you be more specific?
2009-01-17 01:35:30
Yeah, you can connect to it like standard LDAP. You can use the OpenLDAP Library:
2009-01-17 01:35:52
If you can query the DNS Server, can't you perform a query for its service records to discover computers that can act as Domain Controllers?
That's how Windows Workstations find their candidate Domain Controllers.
Allain Lalonde
2009-01-17 16:08:32