



What is the best Java spell checking API?

Free or purchased, must be royalty-free.

+2  A: 

Sentry Spell Checker seems interesting. It supports dialog-based spell checking and as-you-type highlighting of misspelled words. It's a commercial product ($399 for the engine), but there are no royalty fees.

Jazzy is a simpler, open source alternative. It's been around for awhile, but doesn't seem to be under active development anymore. On the bright side, it is free (LGPL license).

I would look at Jazzy first to see if it fits your needs. There's a demo applet here where you can try it out.

David Crow

There are a couple other I have heard of, but I don't know if they are any good.

Rapidspell and JTextCheck


Is there a spell checker that would allow the user dictionaries be saved in a db?
This will be used for a regular textarea from within a servlet.

meena rad