I need to profile a java application launched by the JNI invocation API from a C application, and naturally the TPTP tools seemed like a good place to start. However, I can start the application, but I have no idea how to connect to it for profiling. I realize this falls into the 'dumb newbie' bucket, but I really am kind of lost. Permit me to explain:
I have added the JVM option "-XrunpiAgent:server=controlled
" to my java VM startup options.
I have added $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.tptp.platform.ac.linux_ia32_4.4.1.v200808290100/agent_controller/lib to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH
I am running against the Sun Java 1.5.0_10 JVM library
In Eclipse, I have a Java project that contains the code I wish to profile. I've got no profiling launch configurations, nor do I really know what needs to go into them.
It is at this point that my knowledge comes to an end; when I start my JNI-based application, it simply stops during VM startup and sits awaiting, presumably, an agent controller connection. What steps do I need to take to get this to happen, and to get information from it?