Your volumes are significant but not likely to strain any credible RDBMS if programmed efficiently. If your team is sloppy (i.e., casually putting SQL queries directly into components which are then composed into larger components), you face the likelihood of a "multiplier" effect where one logical requirement (get the data necessary for this page) turns into a high number of physical database queries.
So, rather than focussing on the capacity of your RDBMS, you should focus on the capacity of your programmers and the degree to which your implementation language and environment facilitate profiling and refactoring.
The scenario you propose is clearly a 24x7x365 one, too, so you should also consider the need for monitoring / dashboard requirements.
There's no way to estimate development effort based on the needs you've presented; it's great that you've analyzed your transactions to this level of granularity, but the main determinant of development effort will be the domain and UI requirements.