



In the past I've used as a resource, but lately I've come across far too much spam and not enough useful posting. Certainly just my perspective.

So, what do you Rails developers use as a forum resource for the platform?

+2  A: 

The official Ruby On Rails Talk mailing list is a good spot for discussion. I also tend to go to #rubyonrails irc channel on with my questions. There tend to be lots of helpful folks there.

Gordon Wilson
+5  A: 

Use stackoverflow. I've stopped using all the email lists and forums I used to need. This site has reached critical mass so unless your dealing with some really obscure technology I find I get answers quicker here then anywhere else.

+1  A: 

I've never had a problem with, but I tend to just google keywords for any questions I have. There is a lot of online Rails documentation, and this system tends to produce decent results.

Also, consider browsing the Rails api when you have issues. I've found that there's a lot more data there that I'm aware of, and many of my problems are solved before they even develop when I do this frequently.
