



I just started trying out NetBeans 6.5 with Python support. I like that the IDE provides the docstring documentation for a function/method in a popup when it's auto-completing, but is there any other way to view docstrings, either by mousing over a function/method name, or clicking somewhere? I just can not seem to find a way to do this. The best I can seem to do is "Go to source" in the right-click menu. If you know the trick (or can point out the obvious thing I'm missing), I'd really appreciate knowing it!

+1  A: 

I received the following answer from Tor Norbye at Sun:

Hold the ctrl key (or Cmd on Mac) and then hover.

Also, Ctrl-Shift-Space (e.g. code completion + shift) will display -just- the completion doc (which means it doesn't just look at the prefix of the caret, but the whole identifier and left hand side type if it can resolve it, to compute one specific match rather than many).
