Is it possible to search for a phrase of the kind Searching is fun, in Lucene?
When I try to search with this, Lucene ends up looking for the word fun alone.
Is it possible to search for a phrase of the kind Searching is fun, in Lucene?
When I try to search with this, Lucene ends up looking for the word fun alone.
Try to put in in quotes: "Searching is fun" or add '+' to required words +Searching +fun
See "Lucene - Query Parser Syntax" for available options
If you are using a QueryParser object to parse your query, you can configure it to automatically assume the '+' operator that Aku spoke of in his answer (sorry Aku for not simply commenting, but comments apparently don't support code formatting). For example:
String defaultField = ...;
Analyzer analyzer = ...;
QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser(defaultField, analyzer);
Query query = queryParser.parse("Searching is fun");