




hey there

i have a problem, i'm working on a gallery php script and need help, i have a picture, it has a lightgray border around, and if theres a mouseover event, i want the border to turn gray. how can i do that?

thanks in advance

+1  A: 

You can use the :hover pseudo-class.

For example:

a.bordered:hover img {
   border: solid 2px grey;

<a href="..." class="bordered"><img src="..." /></a>
+2  A: 

Use the :hover pseudo class. For example:

        IMG.HoverBorder {border:5px solid #eee;}
        IMG.HoverBorder:hover {border:5px solid #555;}
    <img class="HoverBorder" src="test.png" />

The above code works well on all sane browsers I have access to. If you need IE 6 support, take a deep breath and check this out (thanks to @Brian Kim for reminding me about IE6):

        a:hover{ background-color:white; }
        a:link img, a:visited img{ border:5px solid #eee; }
        a:hover img{ border:5px solid #555; }
    <a href="#"><img class="HoverBorder" src="03 messed up status log edit IE6.png" /></a>

There are several variants on this approach--I suggest you click through to that site for other options that might be more suitable to your situation.

Michael Haren
Does this work on IE6, too?
Brian Kim
I updated the answer with IE6 info, thanks for reminding me
Michael Haren

use .mypictureclass:hover to apply the border.

but also apply a transparent border to the picture display class to avoid it jumping when the border is added.


okay dudes i've got it XD as i said, i'm a html guy, and i just found out how it works, it used a CSS as style, so i tried much things, and, surprise, i just made a copy of the imagethumbnail-tag and changed the bordercoler and edited the title to imagethumbnail:hover

thank y'all as well :)

<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #FFF;
body {
    background-color: #000;
a {
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #FFF;
a:link {
    text-decoration: none;
a:visited {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #FFF;
a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #CCC;
a:active {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #FC3;
a:link img,
a:visited img,
a:focus img,
a:hover img,
a:active img {
    border: none;

The code follows everything I've seen so far, but still isn't displayed in IE correctly & shows borders around the images. This is a sample of one of the mouseover images.

 <a href="index.html">
  <img src="images/buttons/home.png" alt="Home" width="216" height="44" 
  onmouseover="this.src='images/buttons/home_.png'" onmouseout="this.src='images/buttons/home.png'"></a>