




I keep getting a 413 error "Entity too large" when uploading images (particular image is a 275kb PNG) with an asp.net form. I have thoroughly researched this, and changed:

AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed to 1000000 as suggested here- http://www.banmanpro.com/support2/File_Upload_limits.asp

UploadReadAheadSize to 1000000 as suggested here- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc737382.aspx

web.config on the directory containing the script has a maxRequestLength of 1550000

None of these solved the problem. Can someone else help me please? I have tested this on a development site on another server and the script works fine, so it doesn't seem to be script related.


Just wondering if anyone has an idea of a solution..


Try this:

cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/1/uploadreadaheadsize 204800

It appears that when using 3rd party upload controls, and I assuming you are, IIS has an issue passing the data to the ISAPI extensions. The above command will set the UploadReadAheadSize to 204800KB. You may need to adjust the set parameters to match the web ID you are on. Hopefully you have access to the server.

Read more about it here.


I tried running that with the appropriate website identifier in place of the "1", restarted IIS and tried uploading a 4mb file. (I set the server to accept up to 24mb uploads) It failed again with the same "413 Entity Too Large" error.

I have also tried editing the web.config file (asp.net) with-

I also edited the metabase.xml file per the instructions here- http://www.banmanpro.com/support2/File_Upload_limits.asp to allow 24mb uploads, restarted IIS and still get the same error.

Myself, my programmers and web hosting technical support are stumped. Can anyone offer another possibility?

(and I couldn't figure how to login with my openid so I had to user a different id but it's still the original asker)