




I'm looking to represent some domain model objects in a web app I'm writing and I'm looking for best-practices for markup.

For example in yaml:

--- !ruby/object:User 
email: [email protected]
first: John
last: Doe
login: jdoe
member_since: 2009-01-22 00:54:08.128094 -05:00

What would be a sensible way to present this? Or the best practice for marking up this data.

Edit: All i care about right now is structure, I'll apply style when it becomes required.

+2  A: 

Kinda of an open-ended question, but I'll suggest a direction to get the conversation going.

Since your example uses a User object, I'll recommend that you check out the structure that is used by the hCard microformat. A nice example of the microformat in action.

The super cool people at Mix Online created a bunch of CSS options in their Oomph toolkit to show how versatile the microformat is when it does come time to stylize your data.

That being said, microformats aren't really the important part here, it is the way the microformat structure lets you convert raw data into a markup structure that is machine-legible but still easy to stylize.
