




In Work Items - Team Queries I click on add new query. The query appears in Team Queries , is saved in the database TFSWorkItemTracking in StoredQueries Table. When I connect with another client or when I reconnect with the client with which I added the query , it is not visible anymore.

From what I have investigated the new queries I save have the value null in the column CacheStamp from the StoredQuery Table. When the queries are loaded in the TeamQueries the GetIncrementalStoredQueries procedure is called . It takes as parameters the project id where the queries are loaded , the user id which requests the queries and the cachestamp . I tested the procedure and when i give a null cachestamp it retreives nothing(when I give a not null cachestamp the procedure returns some queries). It seems that this is the reason why I cannot see the new queries that I add in the TeamQueries.

Can anyone help me understand why the new queries I add in Team Queries or in My Queries have null value in the cachestamp column from the table StoredQueries?

Older queries which were added have a cachestamp value and are loaded in Team Queries . The problem is that now I cannot add new more queries , I just rename older ones.