I am building a release of my project using tfs build which generates a unique identity for the build in tfs build explorer such as "MyProject_20090122.1" indicating that this is the first build on 2009-01-22. However this is my release 1.0.0 of MyProject. Is there a way to connect the two identifiers or do I have to maintain the mapping externally and elsewhere?
Should I make my version identifier confirm to the way the tfs build names so that my version number for the above should be 1.0.20090122.1?
Is there a way to add comments to a tfsbuild?
How do you do it?
As some have suggested the version number can be updated via msbuild and automatically incremented. The question however is how do I determine which version a specific team build is as the version number is not embedded in the build name? Can I control the identifiers for the tfs build name?