We are factoring out the common code from our Perl project. One main program should be split into several re-usable modules.
Our program name is *"validate_results.pl"* which contains set of validation commands. We are planning to split this into small modules so that *"validate_results.pl"* should be like:
use Common::Validate_Results;
use Common::Validate_Results::CommonCommands;
use Common::Validate_Results::ReturnCodeValidation;
As per my understanding I should create a Common folder and under that *"Validate_Results.pm"* should be present. Again under "Common", *"Validate_Results"* folder should be created and under that "CommonCommands" and "ReturnCodeValidation" folders should be present.
Is it mandatory that all these folders should be present or can we have all the Perl programs in a single folder and logically group them and still use the above way to access the modules (say use *"common::validate_results"* like that).
Appreciate the help in advance.
Thanks, Mathew Liju